Add Widget Tags for Layouts for Blogger
Widget Tags for Layouts When you're using the Layouts theme to create the body section of your blog, you can use widgets to add page elements like pictures and a blogroll. Types of tags This section describes the HTML you can use inside of the closing tags. Includes (b:include) When to use includes Includes are most useful if you have a section of code that you want to re-use in several different places, or only include in certain circumstances. To do this, write the content inside a b:includable, then use b:include wherever you want it to appear. Format <b:includable id='main' var='thiswidget'> [insert whatever content you want here] </b:includable> Attributes id (required): A unique identifier made up of letters and numbers. Each widget must have one includable with id='main'. var (optional) An identifier made up of letters and numbers, for referencing data within this section. If you make more includables with d...